Status Report!

It’s been quite a week.

  • The Beta Read is now at 10%. My thanks to all of you who’ve volunteered to read this draft and provide your feedback!

  • My Editor is signed and hard at work for the Developmental Edit.

  • I’ve been dotting Is and crossing Ts on the publishing path for this book. I’ll be thrilled to talk more about that later.

  • I’ve booked one of the best fantasy cover-artists in the business.

  • I’m pouring through about 40,000 words of notes that I’ve been taking throughout the writing process. I’ll be using these notes to plow the soil for Books 2 and 3 as well as to get Book 1 to a final draft.

Whew! Thank you for your support. I’m hoping to wrap up all content editing some time in August and then use the next two months to finalize the product. If that all works out, early November is a very likely publishing date.


Beta Read: 50%!


Author’s Edit Complete!